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CDO Squared Reports Medicaid and Medicare Drive Reimbursements Below Cost of Service

New survey by Revenue Realization leader CDO Squared and the American Ambulance Association shows tough road ahead for ambulance companies. Since over 75 percent of Medicare and Medicaid patients now opt for a managed care plan from for-profit insurance companies, true costs are being driven down, in many cases below the actual operating costs of many ambulance companies.
CDO Squared white paper outlines key steps ambulance companies should take to improve profitability of their operations.
If you've been thinking about outsourcing your billing and revenue cycle management (RCM) operation, you should take some time to compare companies that offer "fixed fee" versus percentage billing.
CDO Squared, a leader in revenue cycle management for the healthcare industry, has recently become a member of the American Ambulance Association (AAA), an association representing hundreds of ambulance services across the United States that participate in emergency and nonemergency care and medical transportation.